What is a Fashion Trend?

The word “trend” gets thrown around frequently, especially as it comes attached with a variety of meanings. In this article we will look at fashion trends, since they inevitably affect...

10 Mar 2015

The Importance of Side Projects

When working for a larger company, one with the required parameters and group decisions, creativity becomes structured. The freedom from either an owned business or school project falls flat, and...

10 Mar 2015

10 Interviewing Basics for Writers

We all give interviews informally without even noticing. We chat with store employees over the next launches or dive into our last three months with a friend over drinks. As...

14 Feb 2015

Parts of a Sneaker

Every house has a roof, interior and foundation, as does every sneaker - we just use different terms. Learning these four basic parts of a sneaker first will make the...

13 Feb 2015

Getting into Footwear

After the statement, “Oh, you’re the first footwear designer I’ve met,” I usually receive the inquiry, “How did you get into that?” It’s a fair question. The footwear, or more...

13 Feb 2015

The Evolutions of a Website

Since 2007 I had a website. The first version made during my middle years at art school mainly ended up as link for potential jobs or internships. My second one...

02 Dec 2014